
Thursday, 21 January 2016

Super Cute Little Fight

Little cuties fight!!!Quite funny & sporting

Best Funny Kids - Laughing Babies

Welcome Funny TV , you will enjoy the video fun, comfortable and could not help but laugh while watching them

Top 10 Funny Baby Videos!

Top 10 funny baby videos. Laughing babies, top funny babies and the most watched cute baby videos and kids.

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Air Pollution & YOU

Imagine your life like just open the window early morning & breathing fresh air!! Feeling good?? Realty is far away from this. We are living in world of modernization and this modernization transforms our whole environment drastically. Natural world is quite missing from our life. We are living in smog choked cities and you have no idea what kind of gases you are sucking which slowly killing you. 

What are the reasons of Air Pollutions?? 

Simple reason of Air pollution is human’s stupidity & ignorance. Burning of any material, no matter what the reason is, causing air pollution. Traffic, factories, power plants & dust are major factors to pollute our system. We are forced to live in chamber of gases which is directly hitting our body system. There are number of serious problem which occurs only due to air pollution. Some of them are coughing, wheezing, breathing problem, irritation in eyes, throat and nose, asthma, respiratory problems in children, Lung cancer & sometimes heart attack too. As per WHO, millions of people are die prematurely due to pollution only. 

Now we have understood the problem, let’s discuss some points by which we can protect ourselves and can decrease air pollution up to some extent::

  •  Vehicles are major reason in air pollution, so if we drive in smart like cut the engine on traffic lights, join the car pool, ride a bicycle as much as possible, have a regular pollution check of your vehicle.
  •  Use air filtration at your work place and homes.
  •  Try to avoid go out when Pollutions levels are high, stay indoor as much possible.
  •  Use mouth masks every time you go out.
  •  Workout at least 30 minutes for a day.
  •  Avoid indoor burning of any kind of material like wooden sticks etc. Don’t smoke inside rooms and if possible try to send smokers out.
  •  Plant trees as many as possible around your living area.
  •  Have a regular health check up.

Monday, 11 January 2016

Awsome one Liners

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. You are probably already happy and just don't know it.

I want to live simply, to work honestly, to love completely and to dare mightily, so that when I die, my children, and their children, will know that I died empty, and well satisfied.

Love like you've never been hurt. Work like you don't need the money. Dance like nobody is watching.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. 

Courage is nothing more than taking one step more than you think you can.

Don't get really good at what you don't want to do.
A rich person is not one who has the most, but is one who needs the least.